Monday, July 30, 2007

So there comes times in our lives when we wish that we did not have to do the things that we are called by God to do. Why is it that we think that we know better than the one who created us and made the whole universe. I am still unsure why we try to control our lives. Maybe it is because we are just feeble humans and want to run everything and have power over every aspect of our lives, but God wants us to give him all of us when we accept him and not just parts that we want him to have. These may include: finances, relationships, friendships, and even jobs. I know I have messed up in all the areas but that is because I tried to control it all and not let God have it but know I am learning everyda to allow him to guide every aspect of my life. This is not easy and I will fall but hey I am trying to follow what he wants me to do.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Make It Clear

Sitting at a Crossroads
Not knowing which way to go
Wanting to Seek You and
Wanting to know your path

Lord Please Make it Clear to me
So that I will go where I am told to go
Lord I want it to be of you and Not Myself
Let It be Your Decision not my own

Which Way to go
Should I take the way I know or
Should I go the other way?
I don’t Care so long as you are guiding me


I want to follow you
I want to follow you
Lord, I want to follow you……..

Lord Please Make it clear to me
